Livingstone Company Inc. Signed a MOU with Swiss EBH2 Systems SA!

Hydrogen is the most abundant element on Earth and in the atmosphere.  However, since it is always combined with something, problems such as high energy consumption (4KWh x m3 H2), enormous heat generation, very high cost increase, and extensively distorted mass loss have been important obstacles to obtaining hydrogen.   And, EBH2 is the solution for this problem.  

Livingstone Company Inc. recently signed a MOU with Swiss EBH2 Sytems SA in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), for business rights in Asia(East Asia including Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Southeast Asia including Singapore and Vietnam) and Australia for clean hydrogen products, and for the establishment of "EBH2 Asia Pacific Inc.", a joint venture in Hong Kong. 

EBH2 has applied for and registered an international patent for a unique process for making green hydrogen that is scalable and adaptable to a wide range of applications, from various land and sea transport modes to single-family homes, region-wide power generation and large-scale industrial applications.  

EBH2 successfully demonstrated its clean energy production capability, generating 1 MW of electricity for 7 days from 2 liters of water, through a demonstration of a prototype for home power generation. That's enough energy capacity to power a three-bedroom suburban home. 

With EBH2's technology, hydrogen is produced through combined cycle electrolysis at normal atmospheric pressure, room temperature and low-voltage.  EBH2 is the only company that has the technology to produce 100% green hydrogen without the problem of carbon emissions and the technology to generate 100% green hydrogen energy ‘in situ’ without storage and transportation processes/equipment.

EBH2's technology has excellent scalability that can be applied to any power generation facility or engine using all types of water. In particular, when hydrogen energy is generated using EBH2 technology, the cost of hydrogen production is significantly reduced by less than 30% compared to existing technologies, and water consumption is also very small. 

Please, visit EBH2 System SA's official website for further information.