Our new GPG-20 protective clothing and shoes are ready for mass-production!

Our new GPG-20 protective clothing and shoes are ready for mass-production!

Livingstone Company Inc.'s partnering UN MediHealth Inc. began to mass-produce FDA certified protective clothing and shoes for the export use of Livingstone Company. This company was newly established as the production company of the protective gears and is headed up by Mr. Richard H. Heo, the partner of Livingstone Company Inc. Thankfully, we were able to ship out samples to US, Japan, and other countries successfully.

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GPG-20 PPE Products are now listed up with FDA!

GPG-20 PPE Products are now listed up with FDA!

Livingstone Company Inc. is very pleased to announce that our GPG-20 PPE products are now officially listed up with US FDA. Thank you for your support and we hope to stand in front for the fight against COVID-19 pandemic together!