Livingstone Company Inc. Signed a MOU with Swiss EBH2 Systems SA!

Livingstone Company Inc. Signed a MOU with Swiss EBH2 Systems SA!

Livingstone Company Inc. Signed MOU with EBH2 Systems SA. of Switzerland for business rights in Asia and Australia for clean hydrogen products! Swiss EBH2 Systems SA. Completed production of prototypes for household, industrial and vehicle use, and is ready for the global launch in the first half of 2023.

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World's First DNA Based Education Coaching Program Launched!

World's First DNA Based Education Coaching Program Launched!

Idle Mom Global LLC, the world's first DNA analysis based education consulting company, also as Livingstone Company Inc.'s subsidiary, is now with with a new company name! Gene Story Global Inc.!!!

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Now we officially represent LiveCare and LivePatch solutions!

Now we officially represent LiveCare and LivePatch solutions!

Effective from July 13, 2021, Livingstone Company Inc., entered into an agreement with uLikeKorea for promoting and marketing earth-breaking LiveCare( and LivePatch( solutions for animal and human wellness.

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We launched the World's first and only FORCEFIELD total solution against COVID19 infections.

We launched the World's first and only FORCEFIELD total solution against COVID19 infections.

Livingstone Company Inc. presents a world's first cutting edge total solution that effectively fight against the COVID19 pandemic!

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uLikeKorea's Livepatch for COVID-19 is ready for launch

uLikeKorea's Livepatch for COVID-19 is ready for launch

Livingstone Company Inc. is proud of introducing a cutting-edge live time monitoring system for human COVID-19 infected ones. We will start marketing this system and products from September, 2020, and are happy to receive pre-orders at the moment.

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New KF94 Masks Launched with FDA Class 1 & 2

New KF94 Masks Launched with FDA Class 1 & 2

Livingstone Company Inc. is pleased to launch our new product lines of KF94 and dental masks produced from Korea. While Korean COVID-19 related products are dominating and leading the world markets since the outbreak of the pandemic, the Korean masks were not allowed to be exported according to the Korean government policy. But, thankfully, we are now allowed to export up to 30% of our production capacity. In the meanwhile, we prepared KF94 masks (N95 equivalent) to get FDA class 1 and 2 approvals, and CE certificates, and are now ready for official export of the products.

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We launched our new private jet "Challenger 300" for our prestigious customers!

We launched our new private jet "Challenger 300" for our prestigious customers!

We are pleased to announce the availability for our new Challenger 300 to our prestigious customers that each member can enjoy a 200 hours flight yearly. The membership cost is US$ 2,000,000 per package. We have only four slots available at the moment.

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Our new GPG-20 protective clothing and shoes are ready for mass-production!

Our new GPG-20 protective clothing and shoes are ready for mass-production!

Livingstone Company Inc.'s partnering UN MediHealth Inc. began to mass-produce FDA certified protective clothing and shoes for the export use of Livingstone Company. This company was newly established as the production company of the protective gears and is headed up by Mr. Richard H. Heo, the partner of Livingstone Company Inc. Thankfully, we were able to ship out samples to US, Japan, and other countries successfully.

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3D KF94 Mask factory will be ready soon!

3D KF94 Mask factory will be ready soon!

Livingstone Company Inc. is officially starting to produce its own designed 3D KF94 masks from end of June. The factory is located in Chuncheon with its area of more than 2,000 square meters. The company will install mask production machines exclusively designed and manufactured by the top Samsung Electronics semiconductor plant designer. We plan to manufacture a tier one designer brand, such as Armani or Dior, masks to satisfy the need of our supporters worldwide!

GPG-20 PPE Products are now listed up with FDA!

GPG-20 PPE Products are now listed up with FDA!

Livingstone Company Inc. is very pleased to announce that our GPG-20 PPE products are now officially listed up with US FDA. Thank you for your support and we hope to stand in front for the fight against COVID-19 pandemic together!

BioCore PCT test kit officially approved for EUA by US FDA!

BioCore PCT test kit officially approved for EUA by US FDA!

BioCore's PCR test kit is officially approved for emergency use by US FDA today, May 21, 2020 This is a very good news. Livingstone Company Inc. is very proud of providing this test kits to the world market for the fight against COVID-19 pandemic!

We introduce AIRWING3, a new powered air purifying respirator! Exported to Johns Hopkins, U.S.A.!

We introduce AIRWING3, a new powered air purifying respirator! Exported to Johns Hopkins, U.S.A.!

This is a new clean air supply system for the manpower fighting against COVID-19 at t. he front lines. Powered air purifying respirator with ultra light weight (Blower Unit 960g). Price competitive advantage over competitors products. Hazard warning system, excellent filtering effect, and comfortable fit. Johns Hopkins, U.S.A. imported 1,200 sets after carefully research on the product!